Информация о лицензии JIRA
Apps are billed based on the number of users in your Atlassian product. For Jira 7.0 or later, the app tier should match the maximum tier of the licensed Jira products on your instance. For example, if you're running Jira Software (500 users) and Jira Service Management (25 agents) on the same instance, you should purchase the 500-user tier for. Jira Cloud for Mac is dark-mode enabled Snappier and more nimble than ever It’s now faster than ever to navigate to and complete the most common tasks in Jira. From the Add Module drop-down list, select Atlassian Jira. The Add Module dialog opens. In the Add Module dialog, enter values for the following. A not complete Java client for Atlassian Jira. Currently we extend it with only what we need, but we happily apply your pull-request:D. The complete JIRA user's guide. Create a project. Create an issue. Gather information on a project. Are you evaluating JIRA for your team? Check out the JIRA.
Atlassian Jira Server
JIRA v6.4.5
Все права защищены © 2002 - 2015 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.
Atlassian Confluence
Использование данного продукта соответствует условиям Atlassian Соглашением с Пользователями, если там указано другое.
Atlassian Jira Free Trial
Этот продукт включает программное обеспечение, разработанное Apache Software Foundation.
Этот продукт включает следующие библиотеки под лицензией GNU LGPL:
- atlassian-image-consumer (com.atlassian.image:atlassian-image-consumer:jar:1.0.1)
- carol (carol:carol:jar:1.5.2)
- carol-properties (carol:carol-properties:jar:1.5.2)
- datafile (datafile:datafile:jar:1.3.3)
- hibernate (hibernate:hibernate:jar:2.1.8-atlassian)
- image4j (org.jclarion:image4j:jar:0.7)
- JCaptcha (com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha-api:jar:2.0-alpha-1)
- JCaptcha (com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha:jar:2.0-alpha-1)
- jcommon (jfree:jcommon:jar:1.0.8)
- jfreechart (jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.13)
- JSCalendar (1.0)
- jStyleParser (net.sf.cssbox:jstyleparser:jar:1.16-atlassian-1)
- Streaming API for XML (javax.xml.stream:stax-api:jar:1.0-2)
- xapool (xapool:xapool:jar:1.3.1)
Atlassian Jira Software
Jira Login
Этот продукт также включает код, написанный третьими лицами.
Additional details regarding these and other third party code included in this product, including applicable copyright, legal and licensing notices, are available in the 'licenses' directory under the JIRA installation directory.