Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. Say 'Alexa, open Cortana' to connect with Cortana and add tasks to Microsoft To Do. Now try adding a new task to To Do. You can ask her to 'add cheese to my Groceries list.' Open To Do and you should see that 'cheese' has been added to your Groceries list. See everything you can do with Cortana and Microsoft To Do on TechCommunity.
Microsoft To-Do integrates directly into Outlook tasks so the security and compliance features of your Exchange Online mailbox are built right into the new app. Create a Bucket List. To Do is integrated with Outlook Tasks, making it easier to manage all your tasks in one place. Access from anywhere Microsoft To Do is available for free,. Microsoft To-Do is an intelligent task management app that makes it easy to plan and manage your day. Connect to Microsoft To-Do to manage your tasks from various services. You can perform actions such as creating tasks.
-->Microsoft To Do Website
Consistent and predictable guidelines for the availability of support throughout the life of a product.
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Products with defined end-of-support dates at the time of release
- UPDATE: Exchange Online deprecating Basic Auth
- Upcoming Windows 10 and Office Long Term Servicing Channel releases
- Windows 10, version 1909 end of servicing (Home and Pro)
- Windows 10, versions 1803 and 1809 end of servicing (Education and Enterprise)
- Lifecycle changes to end of support and servicing dates
- Microsoft apps and services to end support for Internet Explorer 11
- Support extended for Visio Services in SharePoint Online (aka Visio Web Access)