Chrome Update Download

One of the most important things you can do to have a safe, fast and secure online browsing experience is to make sure your browser is up to date. Update your browser like you would update your apps. No matter which browser you use, make sure you’re using the latest version.

Stay safe, browse safe

Bill clinton presidential memoir. You can check if there's a new version available: On your Android phone or tablet, open the Play Store app. At the top left, tap Menu My apps & games. Under 'Updates,' find Chrome. Though from Chrome 55 onward the smartphone version was considerably optimized, there was still a lot of room for maneuver, especially on the desktop. Or at least that was the case until this latest update appeared, bringing internal improvements along with it.

Up-to-date browsers protect you from viruses, security breaches and hacks. Older versions of browsers may be vulnerable to attacks and security holes. Firefox engineers have been known to ship a security update within a day of learning of a vulnerability.

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The fastest Firefox yet

Chrome Update Download 2019

We work tirelessly to make sure Firefox is the fastest it can be, while making sure it doesn’t hog your memory or system resources. With each version we make improvements to the code that makes Firefox quick and nimble as you browse.

The best privacy

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We are passionate about user privacy. With each new release we give you more ways to control who sees and accesses your personal browsing data. Tracking protection, private browsing and powerful privacy extensions all work together to make sure your private browsing information stays yours.

New features

Whether it’s enabling powerful new Mixed Reality features, improving accessibility or testing extensions that enrich your life, new browser releases always have something new and innovative for you to enjoy. Don’t miss out by lagging behind on an older version.

Firefox is independent and a part of the not-for-profit Mozilla, which fights for your online rights, keeps corporate powers in check and makes the internet accessible to everyone, everywhere. We believe the internet is for people, not profit. Unlike other companies, we don’t sell access to your data. You’re in control over who sees your search and browsing history. All that and exceptional performance too.

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How do I update?

Most major browsers update automatically, which means that when a new version is available, your system will download and install it for you. So that’s one less thing you have to worry about keeping on top of. First find out which version of your browser you’re on. Then, if auto update is switched off, here’s how to manually update Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Opera or Safari.

Chrome Update Download For Android

  • Resolved issue 3214: ChromeDriver78: Sendkeys resets text selection with contenteditable
  • Resolved issue 3376: Remove LaunchApp command from ChromeDriver
  • Resolved issue 3432: Sometimes NavigationTracker fails to detect when the page has finished loading
  • Resolved issue 3481: New Print endpoint according to w3c spec
  • Resolved issue 3488: driver.get doesn't throw error when proxy is wrong configured
  • Resolved issue 3502: Use document.hasFocus() to check if element is focused
  • Resolved issue 3515: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: bad inspector message