Dragon Dictation Cost

Nuance® Dragon® Medical One is a secure, portable, accurate, cloud-based medical dictation application available on a subscription basis and is licensed per-user.

THE NUANCE DIFFERENCE - Nuance combines a conversational AI platform with more than 200 partnerships and deep domain expertise to deliver higher performance, measurable outcomes, and a competitive edge for healthcare organizations.

Speech recognition solutions that will make your work easy and faster. Designed for physician practices, Dragon Medical Practice Edition achieves 99% accuracy out of the box without requiring any voice profile training by amplifying a next generation speech engine with 90 medical speciality vocabularies combined with acoustic models based on the unique way physicians speak. Cost is $99 per user per month with a 1-year contract. Choose your preferred payment timing to best align with your budget: Monthly Payments - $99 per user per month Annual Lump Sum Payment - Pay for one year term with a single lump sum payment.

With more than 1,000 large healthcare organizations using Dragon Medical One every day, our clients benefit from features and capabilities that competing products don't offer—greater accuracy and automatic updates, greater ease of installation, true cloud deployment with no hidden costs or additional hardware needed, built-in productivity tools and access beyond the EHR, a more robust mobile microphone app, HITRUST CSF certification and uptime guarantees, and high user satisfaction and quantifiable outcomes.

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To request a 7-day tryout of the Dragon Medical One product, CONTACT US to request a trial.

Also, at any time, CONTACT US with questions!


Or, Keep reading for more about Dragon® Medical One

Dragon® Medical One includes a small-footprint, cloud-based client application that is loaded on as many PCs as the user would like. The user dictates into the locally-loaded desktop app that sends audio to the cloud for processing and returns text. (See Dragon® Medical One user interface at left.)

Global vpn

The user's voice profile is available seamlessly once the user has signed in to the cloud platform with their Nuance Healthcare ID. See product desktop application image at left.

If you currently use this product at your affiliated hospitals but do not have rights to use the product outside the hospital, you can purchase your own entity license and can continue to use your Nuance voice profile created at the hospital. Your personal Nuance Healthcare ID is the key.

This product allows the creation of custom vocabularies, auto-text 'commands' with defaults, select-and-say voice editing, navigation commands and more.

Users can use physical microphones such as the PowerMic III or the no-charge Nuance PowerMic Mobile smartphone application that lets your smartphone be your microphone.


Why Dragon® Medical One?

Cloud-based single voice profile

Mac keypad. Dragon® Medical One user profiles are stored in the cloud and are always there, backed up, ready-to-go, etc. with no user/IT work required. Dragon® Medical One users can go to any machine with the very-small, easy to install Dragon® Medical One client software, log in, place their cursor and immediately begin dictating with their voice profile.

PowerMic Mobile

Dragon® Medical One users can utilize their smartphone as an input device by using the PowerMic Mobile app on your smartphone. The PowerMic Mobile app includes the ability to program on-screen 'buttons' to start/stop the microphone, advance between [fields] and more. There is no added charge for use of the PowerMic Mobile app.

Users can also make use of a variety of physical microphones including the popular, programmable handheld Nuance PowerMic III.

Automatic updates and ever-improving accuracy

Updates are issued more frequently as Nuance development teams utilize modern development methods to incorporate field feedback and important integration requests into updates that can be pushed automatically or set for a planned install, depending on whether you have customized your installation to integrate with virtual desktops or some other advanced environment.

Dragon® Medical One speech recognition is always improving as Deep Learning AI techniques continuously learn from the 300 million minutes of cloud-based audio and 3 billion lines of medical transcription processed annually.

Worry-free IT


IT staff and users with contract/no IT support will enjoy the simplified environment of cloud-based Dragon® Medical One. The small locally-installed client can be installed quickly and then the user can just sign in, place the cursor and starting dictating.

No more worrying about the location/synchronization/saving of user profiles as profiles are saved in the cloud and are available anywhere.

Automatic updates (mentioned above) can reduce the workload of IT. Even if IT has chosen to not allow automatic updates (because of your site's specific configuration), planned installations can take place quickly and may be deployed in a variety of quick-to-roll-out methods.

Security and reliability

Compliance with healthcare privacy, data security and other laws/standards is a top Dragon® Medical One priority. Your dictated audio and transcribed text are communicated over 256-bit encryption channels using TLS protocols to ensure end-to-end security.


Nuance knows medical dictation is a mission-critical application for healthcare providers so it has built Dragon® Medical One with enterprise-class performance and responsiveness.

Dragon Medical One Analytics

Dragon® Medical Analytics gives system administrators access to individual and site-wide usage metrics and trends so they can optimize clinician efficiency, productivity and workflow.

Subscription Contracts/Fees:

Dragon® Medical One is a subscription product that can be purchased in one of two budget-friendly options. Users can either pay their subscription monthly or pre-pay the entire contract term -- whichever works best for your budget. Prices are standardized by the manufacturer and the subscription fee is billed on our behalf directly by the manufacturer's billing agent.

Dragon® Medical One Cost?
There are two elements to Dragon® Medical One new-user pricing: an ongoing subscription cost PLUS a one-time, upfront new-user training/installation cost. Details on each are below.

  • Dragon® Medical One Subscription cost?
    • Cost is $99 per user per month with a 1-year contract.

Dragon Dictation Cost

  • Choose your preferred payment timing to best align with your budget:
    • Monthly Payments - $99 per user per month
  • Annual Lump Sum Payment - Pay for one year term with a single lump sum payment.
    This option is being provided as a convenience for customers. Common reasons for use:
    • Users whose organizations prohibit them setting up any recurring charges.
    • Users desiring the outlay occur in a particular financial period.
  • Dragon® Medical One One-Time Upfront Cost?
    To ensure users have no issues, the manufacturer also requires setup/training for each new user. The manufacturer requires a $525 up-front installation/training session for each new user.
    (Perhaps more, for complicated installs such as remote desktop via Citrix. We’ll find out more about your configurations & let you know.)

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the cost to start a Dragon® Medical One contract? What is a typical first-time user cost scenario?
    We are frequently asked what it takes to start a new Dragon® Medical One contract.
    Here is an example new, one-year contract for one user:
    • Pay the upfront, one-time cost of initial installation/training: $525
    • Select a one-year contract and plan to pay monthly: $99 for the first month
    • Total initial investment: $624 initial cost
    • Ongoing, the user will pay $99/ month for the remaining 11 months.
  • What about product “maintenance”?
    • Maintenance for this product is included in the monthly fee.
    • Maintenance includes technical support + no-charge upgrades to any new version released.
  • Who can buy?
    • Available to sites with 49 and fewer physicians. (This number does not include mid-levels such as Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Therapists, etc. – only physicians.)
      • If your site has 50+ physicians, please contact us and we will get the appropriate Nuance representative to contact you.
    • Must be purchased by an entity so interested individuals will want to identify their purchasing entity.
  • How Licensed and How many PCs?
    • Licensed to be used by one dictator.
    • Can be loaded on unlimited PCs (may require more installation services if complex environment)
  • Is internet connection required while dictating?
    • This product requires access to the internet for all usage – all audio is passed to the internet for processing and returned as text.
  • What microphone do I use? Can I use an app on my SmartPhone as an input device?
    • No physical microphone comes with this product.
    • Yes, you can use your SmartPhone as an input device. The Nuance smartphone microphone app is called PowerMic Mobile and your subscription to Dragon® Medical One includes access/usage of the PowerMic Mobile app at no additional charge.
    • Dragon® Medical One can also be used with physical microphones and there are many microphone options including handheld programmable microphones such as the popular, programmable handheld Nuance PowerMic III. Sometimes it makes sense to use a physical microphone.
  • PC/System Requirements?
    • Dragon® Medical One requires a small-footprint application be loaded on your Microsoft Windows-based PC.
      • Processor (CPU) - Minimum 1.7GHz, Recommended 2.8GHz
      • Memory (RAM) - Minimum 512MB, Recommended 2 GB
      • Operating System
        • Windows 8.1 and Windows 10..with latest service pack installed
        • Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019..with latest service pack installed
      • Microsoft .NET Framework - 4.7.2 for 2021.1 - Runtime
      • Support for virtualized environments from Citrix, VMware, Microsoft and more -- see release notes.
        Thin client support under IGEL and Fujitsu Futro with operating system eLux -- see release notes.
    • See the current DMO version release notes for more information including supported virtualized environment version info:
    • IMPORTANT note regarding DMO versions -
      Your DMO subscription includes free upgrades to new DMO versions as they become available!
  • Data Transmission/Security?
    • Audio is delivered via your internet connection using secure, HIPAA-compliant methods and speech recognition is performed in the 'cloud' on a secure Nuance server.
  • Dragon® Medical One user profile
    • If you use the enterprise version of the Dragon® Medical cloud product at your hospital, Dragon® Medical One can also use the same user profile.
  • Dragon® Medical One EULA and HIPAA BAA
    • Click here to read the Dragon Medical One End User License Agreement (EULA), which contains the Nuance Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate Addendum (BAA): www.dictation.cloud/NuanceMedicalEULA/

How Much Is Dragon Dictation

Ready to order?

Click the link or the 'Buy Dragon® Medical One now' button.

Ordering notes:

Dragon dictation software cost
  • This 'Buy Dragon® Medical One now' button will take you to the dictation.cloud ordering site operated by the manufacturer's billing agent.
  • You will be able to return to our website by clicking the 'Return to Image Management, LLC' button at the top of each screen.
    Please return to order any microphones such as the PowerMic III.
  • We recommend you create your account on the dictation.cloud site prior to signing up for Dragon® Medical One.

Dragon Medical Dictation Cost

Still have questions? For more information, contact us!

A side by side comparison between Fluency Direct for Practices, Dragon Medical Practice Edition and Dragon Medical One —
Take a look and see which is right for you!

Dragon Software Cost

M*Modal Fluency Direct for Practices™

Dragon Medical Practice Edition

Dragon Medical One

All pricing and policy are based upon purchasing Fluency from TranscriptionGear and purchasing Dragon from Nuance.

The #1 Rated Speech Recognition for Healthcare:




Upgraded Version Available for Larger Users:

Yes, Fluency Direct Standard

Yes, Dragon Medical 360

Yes, Dragon Enterprise

Speech Profile Stored in the Cloud:




Integrates with EHRs:

Yes, 120 Including MEDITECH

Yes, 130 not including MEDITECH

Yes, 130 including MEDITECH

Use the Software on Unlimited Number of PCs:


No, Limited to 4


Requires 300MB or Less on PC:


No, Up to 4GB

No, Up to 2GB

Easy-to-Use Drag and Drop Template Editor:




Includes a Free Microphone:


No, $400 More

No, $400 More

Offers Free iOS and Android Microphone App:




Free Install Assistance by Telephone:




3 Year Software, Microphone & Support Cost:


